Friday, April 27, 2012

Twenty Two Days

Blogging is NOT an easy business.  I follow several bloggers and now I have even greater sympathy when they discuss the efforts they make to ensure that they create time in their schedules to blog.  I appreciate, even more, when I receive entries two days in a row from them (I get e-mails for many of my favorite blogs, you can, too, by hitting one of those options off to the side here on this blog!)

I'd love to blame it all on tulip-girl.  I'd love to tell you that we'd embarked upon a wild tumultuous passionate affair, and frankly, I've been too busy with her to write here. 

Nope.  But thanks for the good wishes, because I know that's what my four regular readers from the Ukraine have been thinking. 

I'd love to blame it on winning the Mega Millions lottery and embarking upon a whirlwind charitable world tour.  Because, of course, that's what I would do if I won Mega Millions - I'd travel the world being charitable to others.  Isn't that at the top of your list? To give it away to others?  That's what I thought.

Nope.  But thanks for the good wishes, because I know that's what my four regular readers from the Ukraine have been thinking. 

I can blame it on ADD, and on life, and on you (why not? Oh, yeah, because if I start blaming things on you, you might stop reading...).

First, there was Holy Week.  Being involved in my church meant I actually attended all four services leading up to and including Easter Sunday.  That wiped me out.  For weeks.  Actually, seriously. 

Then there is the ADD-thing.  Habits and structure are a big part of getting things done (if you get things done) with ADD.  So I got out of the habit of writing during the tail end of Holy Week and in the weeks recovering. 

You probably thought I forgot all about this.  I hadn't. 

And, well, actually, tulip-girl has played a part of it, too.  No, we have not embarked upon a wild tumultuous passionate affair.  Yet.  But we have been spending time together and getting to know each other more.  We haven't even kissed.  Yet.  But the signs of interest continue to accrue.  A touch here, a touch there.  Some of my friends say it is just a matter of time. 

Well, then, time will tell. And, as I keep returning to, resistance is futile. 

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