Thursday, February 8, 2024

Aspirations from Clay Walker or AITA?

Clay Walker has a song that states "If I could make living out of lovin' you, I'd be a millionaire in a week or two."  I have a variation of that, if I could make a living out of writing this blog, or some other blog ideas I've had, I'd be very happy, and as Clay says, "I could work all day and feel right at home, lovin' that 8 to 5 . . . I'd be doin' what I love and lovin' what I do, if I could make a living out of " writing for you.

I recently watched a YouTube video about how to write on the internet and get paid.  The guidance given by the "expert" was that you couldn't make money writing a blog because you were writing what you wanted - that you needed to write about what others wanted to read.  He started his side-gig (more my words than his) writing answers (for free) on Quora to see what people wanted to read about, and struck it lucky with an answer of his that in a matter of hours went viral, and inspired him to put out a quick e-book on the topic where people had asked him follow-up questions.  

He went on further, but I won't bore you with all of the details, but it dove-tailed into another idea I'd had regarding a blog, or blog-material, and that was from the click-bait on Facebook where they stole material from AITA to get you to click on their link which was mostly ads, and then a re-published AITA to allow you all to comment.  They're clearly getting their money from the ads.

I was thinking about that awhile ago that I'd rather do something similar (not ALL the ads, but maybe I need to figure out how to ad a few and anyone who knows how please feel free to leave me a comment / message) but take some of the AITA from Reddit and instead give answers (less whether an asshole and more about how to handle the situation, or my thoughts on it). 

I've started a few days ago actively adding responses on AITA and getting some positive feedback from my answers.  I'm hoping to direct some traffic from there to here, and if I'm really lucky, someone might help me figure out how to monetize this.  I have a lot to say, and a lot of "wisdom" collected over the years.  

It would be nice to be able to do something I love and make a living at it... 

Your thoughts?

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