Friday, October 19, 2012

Looking out the bars...

So, I am in Twitter jail.  Again!

This time, though, I can see out the bars and watch the people talking about me.  And I can send messages to friends, er, followers, but I can't send direct messages to those who don't....

It's a whole new level of TwitterJail.  Just watching helplessly, trying to mount your defense, but being kept from those witnesses you think can help.

Okay, maybe it's not quite like that.

Tonight I used Tweetdeck for the first time for #wineparty.  Back in early June I was given the suggesting of Tweetdeck and Hootsuite as alternatives to using my iPhone for #wineparty.  I opened up Hootsuite first, and while I also opened up Tweetdeck at the time, to my untrained and unexperienced eye, they looked the same. 

And both, frankly, took my breath away, and I spent WAY too much time customizing and figuring it out.  I stuck with Hootsuite because I couldn't appreciate the differences not knowing what I was doing.

But while I could now SEE #wineparty in a separate column on Hootsuite - and still watch my mentions - (different than my unmentionables!), I could never expand a conversation.  That's driven me nuts all summer - because I felt like I was just catching snippets of conversation over the din, and had a hard time diving into the conversations.

Tweetdeck is fantastic! Tweetdeck gives you "streams" like in Hootsuite, so you can watch multiple lines of chatter, er, tweeting, but you can actually expand and see the whole conversation not just the final tweet for #wineparty (you could do it in other streams on Hootsuite, just not hashtag streams, it seems).

Oh, I'm in love. 

And, um, in jail.



  1. I'd make a delta quadrant joke but, um, yeah, that'd tap out my Borg knowledge, 100 %. Hope you get out soon. Don't eat the sloppy joes.

    1. Thanks for the advice! Come back again, soon.. And feel free to comment as often as you want. ;) Read the very first post from February to find out the true origin of the blog name... It's an autocorrect example. ;)

  2. OK, now I have to go read the first post from February. But back to my point. I think I need to find a new twitter app, my tweetcaster is glitchy these days. gah.

  3. Oh, my bad. Yes, Tweetdeck landed me in the slammer too. A.D.H.D. fingers of mine. Hootsuite is more for tracking Twitter, Fb, and other social media together where Tweetdeck is Twitter only. Um, happy jails to you...until we meet again....happy jails, to you...
