Thursday, November 15, 2012

Church Politics

Oh, how I would love to write a post about people at the church.   Oh, if you didn't have to deal with some of these personalities personally, you would find them quite amusing. 

Now I know that all of these characters are likely found at every or most churches or other religious homes.  So, the reality is that I could tell you all about them, and like everyone else in my blog, you'd think I was talking about your church down the street. 

With my recent, um, promotion, I, now, am involved in the inner workings of how the sausage is made.  I feel like I should go read Upton Sinclair, again, so that the church inner workings don't look so bad. 

Luckily, I love people and I am able to step back - mostly - and be amused by their quirks.  I am enjoying the excuse / opportunity to get to know a few more folks better and I enjoying getting folks energized and excited about the things to come...

We'll keep it on that positive note. 

Wipe off that smirk....

Hee hee...

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