Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So, who am I?

Believe me, I have thought about saying, I am the Borg.  I have assimilated and the purpose of this blog is to assimilate you. 

But that isn't true.

Or is it?

As I made the epic decision to try to do another blog (this is not my first anonymous blog, but hopefully it will be the one I stick with and the one that goes viral), I made this list in my head of all the things about me I needed to tell you.  And I dramatically decided at the end, I would end it with "I am you."  But I'm not.

Or I hope I'm not. 

It's fun to find like-minded folks, and I hope to attract a lot of like-minded folks.  But I doubt that there is someone who is as unique as me and who likes EVERYTHING that I do.  I could be wrong.

I'm probably wrong. 

But the reality is if you become a fan of this blog you will like a portion of the things I like and not necessarily all.  My challenge will be to still keep you interested even when I'm talking about a subject you really don't care about. 

So who am I?

Okay.  Before I give you the list, I'll have to admit a bit of my neuroses.  First, I wrote a list that I will qualify and say is not comprehensive.  Then, afraid that the order in which I wrote things might suggest a priority in how I identify myself, I took the list that I had written as a stream of consciousness and then used an Excel formula for random numbers to order the list.  #3 on the list is Geek.

Some of this list may make sense to no-one but me.  But each one is worthy of its own post.  If you want to know more, find the post. 

1.  I have a geographically diverse background
2.  I live under a rock.
3.  I am a geek.
4.  I am currently single.
5.  Zen is Borg and I love the Dalai Lama
6.  I like country music.
7.  I am a mystery / legal thriller fan.
8.  I watch way too much television.
9.  I love deeply.
10.  I am active in my church.
11.  I have a diverse working background. 
12.  I am a soccer coach.
13.  I am a wee bit narsissitic - at least to the extent you need to be to write a blog.
14.  I live alone.
15.  I am a dyke.
16.  I live in a small town.
17.  I live in a poor part of town.
18.  I watch a lot of Hulu. 
19.  I am an iPhone, Facebook and PC user, but I have owned a Mac, too.
20.  I love the Superbowl for the commercials.
21.  I have/am ADD.
22.  I enjoy Texts From Last Night, Idiot Runner, The Bloggess, FlyLady, George Takei and advice columnists.
23.  I love to line dance.
24.  I am neither politically correct or incorrect.  I just am.  I do not belong to a political party, either.  I am registered as an independent.

This is by no means comprehensive, but gives you a brief introduction.  Interested? Read on.  Tell your friends.  Leave me comments.  Adore me.  Assimillate. 

Resistance is futile.

If you like this, stick around and read other entries.  Hit a few on the right that are favorites, or go to the home page of the blog, and read from beginning to end.  Take a moment to send me some feedback.  Thanks for coming.  Please come back soon.


  1. so glad I came over! i love a mystery, too!

  2. I've decided to read by way through your blog. Beginning to end. I do that sometimes. :)
